Sunday, March 4, 2012

Life Is Like A Computer

A computer is one of the most important things to a man in the present time. It has many advantages to mankind because it could help us with our survival and it does things beyond our imagination. Just like how a computer is useful in life, it also resembles a lot about life.

A computer consists of many parts that play very important roles in making it effective and useful. These parts can be big, medium-sized, or small. Regardless of their sizes, they are all significant because they make a computer work. They are assigned in different works and responsibilities. A computer should be taken care of and well-cared. Not all the time a computer will be working because they can also be infected with millions of viruses that are always waiting for a chance to victimize your computer. If you will not handle your computer properly, there's a great possibility for your unit to be damaged and eventually stop working.

Likewise, life also has many parts or stages. We should undergo each of them to be able to appreciate and cope with life and understand all the events that had already happened, are currently happening and those which will be happening in the future. There are also big, medium, and small things that influence us. They can be our family, friends or loved ones who influence us the most. They can also be material things that would complete our day or those small things that are left unnoticed but have a great purpose just like the rising of the sun that signifies a new day and reminds us how good God is for adding another day to our existence. Viruses are not just applicable in the computer world because there are much more viruses in the real life. If we put down our shields, we can easily be damaged by them. We should just keep our guards watching, take care of ourselves, live life to the fullest and we're set.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

When It Rains..

When it rains, I want to watch those tiny drops falling together.
When it rains, I want someone to grab my hand and pull me head-first to be wet and wild.
When it rains, I want to spin until I feel as if my world's turning upside down.
When it rains, I want to be with someone who will fearlessly dance with me even though he'll  look like a jerk.
When it rains, I want  to wear my best dress and feel how every part of it gets soaked with water.
When it rains, I want to lie in the ground and enjoy every raindrop as it touches my face.
When it rains, I want a great friend who'll rescue me and let me stand under his umbrella.
When it rains, I want to hold hands with my best friends and sing songs together even when our voices are shaking.
When it rains, I want to run and see how the water splash as I step on it.
When it rains, I want to close my eyes and just listen to the rhythm of it like a melody of an ageless love song.
But when the rain stops, I want to kneel down and ask God to play those fairytale-like moments under the rain.